Saturday, January 26, 2013

I am...

I have found her...the woman in me. I have found me. I'll guide myself.
I know myself. I am myself. I will always be myself.
I am true. I am strong. I am fearless. I am raw. I am a artist. I am a lesbian.

I am myself. I know myself. I have discover the woman inside myself. She is me. I am me.
I am true. I am strong. I am fearless. I am raw. I am a artist and I am a lesbian.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

"Here I Am"

"Here I Am!"  Screaming and shouting for you! I am here with you and I will guide you! Past the pain and the anger! Into me! Let it go and abolish it now that you've embraced it. Here I am! Come to me ....don't go slow .....RUN!!!!!!!! You are me and we are strong! Here I am! I'm here and will always be here! I am the force that guides you through. I am that part of you that will never leave you! You are becoming me and I you.  Here I am! Stay with me. Here I am...the woman you are destined to become!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Where are you?

"Where are you?"  I am so desperate to know...I look into my reflection in the lens and I beg...I plead for you to come. Who am I ? Where am I? This person I am to become. When will she find me? Take over me? Doesn't she know I need her? Her strength...her breath...her life...
Might I see a glimpse? Can I Capture a which to feel...witness...foresee your presence? Can I patient...not hide? 

I can't wait...I can be patient though and I will not hide. For I must find her...absorb her. She is some where inside of me growing slowly....taking her sweet tyme. Allowing me to develope...transform...metamorphis...fully discover what it takes to be her. So I go slow...I move slow... I'll grow slow. So I go on and I search...for the answer to my desperate hearts question...Where are you? Who are you? This person...the woman...I am to become?